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Yearly Fever

Level: 3

Progress: Without any noticeable indications the yearly fever breaks out in irregular intervals (per month, 1 on 1D20, 5%) for 3 days. The symptoms are high fever followed by strong bodily pains.

Resistance: Toughness

Incubation Time: Immediate

Damage: 1 level Pain, 1 level Stupor, and 2 DP per day/1 level Pain

Duration: 3 days per outbreak, yearly fever itself until the end of life/3 days per outbreak, yearly fever itself until the end of life

Causes: Lingering effect of jaundice (1-2 on 1D20, 10%)

Treatment: Bed rest and general fever treatment (1 DP less per day).

Antidote: A potion made from sansaro, quinja and donf prevents another outbreak for 5 months, a cure is unknown. The Church of Peraine knows liturgical chants that cure the yearly fever.