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Description Format

All creature descriptions use the following format.

Introduction: A general description of the creature.

Distribution: Where is the creature usually encountered?

Way of Life/Natural History: Information about the creature’s habits or tactics (sentient creatures have an entry for way of life; non-sentient animals have a natural history).

Size: How large is the creature? What is its wingspan?

Weight: How heavy is an average creature of this type?

Attributes: lists the creature’s Courage, Sagacity, Intuition, Charisma, Dexterity, Constitution, and Strength. If an (a) appears after a creature’s SGC value, it uses Animal Cunning instead. If an (s) appears after a creature’s STR value, it uses Tiny Creature Strength instead.

LP: an average creature’s life point total

AE: the creature’s arcane energy, if any

KP: the creature’s karma points, if any
INI: The creature’s base Initiative stat (usually modified by one or more D6)

PRO/ENC: The creature’s natural Protection rating. If a creature wears additional armor, add the armor’s PRO to this value.

SPI: Spirit

TOU: Toughness

MOV: Movement

AT: Attack rating

PA: Parry rating

DO: Dodge rating

DE: Non-humanoid creatures have a general Defense (DE) rating, which they use instead of PA and DO for defense. When using DE, such creatures do not suffer any penalties for defending against more than one attack per combat round. Other penalties to Dodge or Parry, such as those caused by states or conditions, still apply.

RC: Ranged Combat stat

RT: reload time for ranged attacks, in number of actions

DP: Damage points inflicted by the creature’s preferred attack or weapon

RE: the reach of the creature’s close combat attacks, if any

RA: the range brackets of the creature’s ranged combat attacks, if any (S/M/L)

Actions: The number of actions the creature can take per combat round. If it gets more than one action, it must make them one after the other with no time in-between. Includes how many times the creature can use each attack type in each combat round.

Advantages and Disadvantages: for intelligent creatures and certain other beings, this lists typical advantages and disadvantages, if any.

Special Abilities: lists special abilities. If a creature has more than one means to attack, brackets indicate which combat special ability goes with which attack (if no information appears, it is passive.

Skills: Skills (mainly Body Control, Feat of Strength, Intimidate, Perception, Self-Control, Stealth, and Willpower, plus the stats used for these checks).

Spells/Liturgical Chants: the creature’s spells or liturgical chants, if any.

Number: For solitary creatures, the number encountered is 1. For groups, roll the indicated number of dice. Some creatures can be encountered both singly and in groups.

Type: Target category, as well as whether it is humanoid or non-humanoid.

Summoning/Creation Difficulty: if the creature can be summoned or created, this number modifies the check. Ghosts, demons, and elementals have a summoning difficulty, while undead, golems, chimeras, and daimonids have a creation difficulty.

Size Category: The creature‘s size category.

Loot: the parts of the animal that can you use, and what you get for them. “Tough meat” means you can eat it, but it is not tasty. You cannot eat inedible meat at all (exception — advantage Iron Stomach). For poison, we give the price heroes can expect to receive when selling (which is 25% of the usual cost of the poison).

Combat Behavior: information about how the creature uses special abilities and special tactics, and its general behavior in combat.

Escape: information on when and why the creature withdraws from a fight. Sometimes creatures won’t withdraw and instead fight on, especially when they feel cornered.

Experienced/Competent: stats for intelligent creatures assume an experience level of Average. This entry gives modifiers for creatures with the experience levels of Experienced and Competent.

Animal Lore/Fishing/Magical Lore/Plant Lore/Religions/Sphere Lore: information that heroes can receive about a creature with a successful Animal Lore/Magical Lore/Plant Lore/Sphere Lore (various applications) check and a certain number of QL. This might include known weaknesses or special maneuvers. Use Animal Lore checks for animals and monsters (use Fishing checks for aquatic creatures). Use Magical Lore checks for undead and ghosts, and Sphere Lore checks for beings from other Spheres (such as demons and elementals). Plants require a Plant Lore check. A Religions check might apply in certain circumstances, though mainly for creatures with karmic powers, such as griffins.

Hunt: The creature’s Hunting modifier.

Special Rules: Special rules for things like poisons, special attacks, or the transmission of diseases.

Additional Services: mentions and explains any additional services that may be available from summoned creatures.

LP Loss: indicates whether the creature suffers the condition Pain due to LP loss, and to what extent.


Aventurian Bestiary, page 6f

General Rules for Creatures Types

About Chimeras

  • Chimeras are affected by conditions normally.
  • When injured, chimeras suffer the condition Pain.
  • Chimeras exist physically on Dere and thus can be injured in the usual ways.
  • When killed, chimeras leave a corpse behind.
  • Blessed weapons dedicated to gods of life (such as Tsa) cause double damage to chimeras. Roll for damage, double the result, and then apply PRO, if any.
  • Spells, liturgical chants, blessed weapons dedicated to any other gods, and mundane and magical weapons all cause regular damage to chimeras.
  • Chimeras have no immunity to any property of magic.
  • Chimeras are not normally immune to poisons and diseases, although some are. Any such immunity is mentioned in an individual chimera’s description.
  • Chimeras normally cannot benefit from liturgical chants.
  • Most chimeras cannot reproduce.


Aventurian Bestiary, page 126f

About Daimonids

  • Daimonids are affected by conditions normally.
  • When injured, daimonids suffer the condition Pain.
  • Daimonids exist physically on Dere, and can be injured in the usual ways.
  • When killed, daimonids leave a corpse behind.
  • Mundane, blessed, and magical weapons cause full damage to daimonids.
  • Blessed weapons (of any god) cause double damage to daimonids. Roll for damage, double the result, and then apply PRO, if any.
  • Daimonids are immune to spells with the properties Influence and Transformation.
  • Daimonids are not normally immune to poisons and diseases, although some are. Any such immunity is mentioned in an individual daimonid’s description.
  • Daimonids normally cannot benefit from liturgical chants.
  • Most daimonids cannot reproduce.
  • Daimonids have exceptional regenerative powers. When rolling for regeneration, double the result.


Aventurian Bestiary, page 127

About Demons

  • Demons do not suffer from conditions.
  • Demons have almost no mass. They can run up walls and change direction without losing speed. Their will shapes and guides their body, so they cannot be blown away or carried by the wind against their will, as if they had no weight.
  • When a demon is slain, no body remains behind (all that is left is a small amount of slime, sulfur, or similar material).
  • Attacks with mundane weapons do half damage against demons (halve the damage points after subtracting the demon’s PRO).
  • Attacks with weapons blessed by an opposing deity inflict double damage against the demon (roll for damage, multiply the result by two, and then subtract the demon’s PRO).
  • Attacks with weapons blessed by other gods, as well as attacks with magical weapons, inflict normal damage against demons.
  • Demons are immune to spells with the properties Healing, Illusion, Influence, and Transformation.
  • Their Spirit applies as a modifier to all other spells (even if you would not normally use Spirit). If a spell uses Spirit as a modifier, modify it with 2xSpirit when cast on demons. When a spell uses Toughness, it is modified by Toughness and Spirit. Demons use Spirit as additional Protection against spells that cause direct damage.


Core Rules, page 355

About Elementals

  • Elementals do not suffer from conditions.
  • Attacks with both mundane and blessed weapons do half damage (roll damage, subtract the elemental’s PRO, divide the damage in half, and then subtract the remainder from the elemental’s LP).
  • Attacks with magical weapons do normal damage.
  • Elementals are immune to spells with the properties Healing, Illusion, Influence, and Transformation.
  • Their Spirit applies as a modifier to all other spells (even ones that normally do not use Spirit as a modifier). If a spell does use Spirit as a modifier, modify it by 2xSpirit when cast on elementals. When a spell uses Toughness, it is modified by Toughness and Spirit. Elementals use Spirit as additional PRO against spells that cause direct damage.
  • Elementals are immune to poisons and diseases.
  • Elementals are immune to the damaging effects of their own element but are vulnerable to damage from their opposing element, and weapons made from the opposing element do normal damage. Damage spells of the opposing element ignore all PRO.
  • Elementals cannot benefit from liturgical chants.
  • Djinn (sing. djinni) know all spells with the property Elemental for their element with a SR of 12. Unless stated otherwise, their linked attribute values for spells are 14/14/14.
  • Djinn do not have FtP, but can make more than one defense per combat round.


Core Rules, page 358

About Fairies

  • Fairies are affected by conditions normally.
  • When injured, fairies suffer the condition Pain.
  • Fairies exist physically on Dere, and can be injured in the usual ways.
  • When killed, fairies leave either a corpse or fairy dust behind. In some cases, the fairy’s soul returns to the globule to rise again. Strange or even dangerous magical phenomena can occur when fairies die, as their bodies and minds are strongly infused with magic.
  • Mundane, blessed, and magical weapons cause normal damage to fairies.
  • Attacks with spells and liturgical chants can have a stronger or weaker effect than usual (GM choice).
  • Fairies are immune to spells with the property Illusion, as they can always see the magical nature of things and can see through all illusions.
  • Fairies are immune to poisons and diseases.
  • Normally, fairies cannot benefit from liturgical chants, although there are some exceptions.
  • While on Dere, fairies benefit from Regeneration Phases in the normal way, but when in their home realm, they regenerate faster (regaining 5D6 LP and 5D6 AE per Regeneration Phase).


Aventurian Bestiary, page 127

About Ghosts

  • Ghosts can only suffer the conditions of Fear, Pain, and Confusion.
  • Ghosts do not suffer the condition Pain from low LP.
  • Ghosts are incorporeal and can walk through solid matter, float up into the air, or sink into the ground, but some do not do so, for reasons of habit.
  • When ghosts are killed, nothing physical remains.
  • Ghosts are not affected by mundane weapons.
  • Blessed weapons dedicated to gods of death (such as Boron or Tairach) affect ghosts normally.
  • Spells, liturgical chants, blessed weapons dedicated to any other gods, and magical weapons cause half damage to ghosts. Roll for damage, halve the result, and then apply PRO, if any.
  • Ghosts are immune to spells with the properties Healing, Illusion, Telekinesis, and Transformation.
  • Ghosts are immune to poisons and diseases.
  • Normally, ghosts cannot benefit from liturgical chants, although there are exceptions.
  • Ghosts perceive the world with magical senses and do not need light or sensory organs such as ears or eyes. Their senses have a range of about 200 yards.
  • Ghosts benefit from Regeneration Phases in the usual way, and do not need to sleep.
  • Ghosts do not fear death, as they are already dead.


Aventurian Bestiary, page 127f

About Undead

  • Undead can only suffer the condition Paralysis.
  • When injured, undead do not suffer the conditions Pain.
  • Undead exist physically on Dere and can be injured in the usual ways.
  • Blessed weapons dedicated to gods of death (such as Boron or Tairach) inflict double damage. Roll for damage, double the result, and then apply PRO, if any.
  • Spells, liturgical chants, blessed weapons dedicated to any other gods, and mundane and magical weapons all affect undead normally.
  • Ghosts are immune to spells with the properties Healing, Influence, and Illusion.
  • Undead are immune to poisons and diseases.
  • Undead cannot benefit from liturgical chants.
  • Undead perceive the world with magical senses, and do not need light or sensory organs such as ears or eyes. Their senses have a range of about 200 yards.
  • When exposed to direct sunlight, undead lose LP every CR. The exact amount lost is given in the individual undead’s description.
  • Undead lose 1D6 permanent LP per month of their existence, and eventually return to dust.
  • Undead cannot benefit from Regeneration Phases.


Aventurian Bestiary, page 128