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AP Value: 256 adventure points

Prerequisites: Race Elf (18 AP); Special Ability Tradition (Elf) (125 AP)

Special Abilities: Languages and Literacy totaling 2 AP; Hunter, Skill Specialization Tracking, Song of Friendship 4

Combat Techniques: Bows 12, Daggers 8


Physical: Body Control 4, Perception 4, Singing 4,

Swimming 2, Stealth 4


Nature: Animal Lore 5, Orienting 4, Plant Lore 5, Survival 7, Tracking 7


Craft: Music 4, Woodworking 5

Spells: One cantrip from the following list:

Firefinger, Handwarmer, Siren Call, Stay Dry; Armatrutz 6, Breathe Water 3, Fulminictus 5, Odem 3, Silentium 6, Visibili 5

Suggested Advantages: Darksight II, Direction Sense, Increased Spirit, Sense of Range

Suggested Disadvantages: Afraid of... (Confined Spaces), Negative Trait (Curiosity)

Unsuitable Advantages: Socially Adaptable

Unsuitable Disadvantages: Frenzy


Publication: Core Rules page 145