Swift Difar
Level: 1
Progress: swift difar, also known as bowel cramps, is an exhausting disease characterized by diarrhea.
Resistance: Toughness
Incubation Time: 1 day
Damage: 1D3 DP (ignoring PRO) per day, exhaustion (1 level of the condition Stupor) / 1 DP (ignoring PRO) per day
Duration: 4 days / 2 days
Cause: Spoiled food (1-16 on 1D20, or 80%), sustained lack of hygiene (1 on 1D20, or 5%), close proximity to an infected person (1-5 on 1D20, or 25%).
Treatment: Bed rest, home remedies, and drinking plenty of water reduce the duration by 1 day.
Cure: –