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The Iron Ban

When carrying or wearing great amounts of iron, spellcasters suffer a negative effect on their ability to cast spells and regenerate AE. Spellcasters suffer a penalty of 1 to casting spells for every 4 full pounds of iron being carried. Also, for every 4 full pounds of iron carried for more than an hour, spellcasters recover one less point of AE in their next Regeneration Phase.


Core Rules page 255

Illusion Rules

Illusions use a number of special rules, as follows.

  • Illusions aren’t real and don’t have any weight. They cannot affect physical objects or cause damage. You cannot climb illusionary ladders, and illusionary umbrellas don’t protect you from rain.
  • Illusions cannot think. They do not react independently to their surroundings. An illusionary door cannot close when somebody nears, and without direction, an illusionary warrior can’t attack anybody.
  • Spellcasters must concentrate on illusions that are supposed to change over time. You need cast an unchanging sound or smell only once for it to persist for the spell’s duration, but you must concentrate to vary an illusory melody or make an illusory ball jump around wildly. For movements or sounds that repeat, like a ball bouncing up and down or a series of sounds, you must concentrate on the illusion until the sequence repeats.
  • It is possible to recognize an illusion for what it is, because illusions often contain small mistakes, random color changes, or incorrect reflections. To spot an illusion, make a competitive check of Perception (Notice) against the spell. If you suspect that you might be looking at an illusion, you receive a bonus of 1.
  • Illusions cannot create light.
  • Illusions can be neither hot nor cold.

Transformation Rules

Most spells that affect creatures assume that the target in question is the size of a human being. Of course, you can cast your spells on rabbits and tatzelwurms as well. Spells with the property Transformation that change the whole body, like Salander, use the following rule of thumb. If the target weighs up to half as much as a human (assume the average human weighs about 175 pounds), the spell costs only half the AE. If the target is up to twice as heavy, the spell costs twice the AE. If it weighs up to three times as much, the cost triples, and so on. You don’t suffer a penalty when turning a mammoth into a horse, but the spell is very, very costly. In any event, the cost of the spell can’t fall below half of the original cost.


Core Rules page 258