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AP Value: 173 adventure points

Prerequisites: None

Special Abilities: Languages totaling 10 AP; Skill

Specialization Sailing

Combat Techniques: Daggers 8, Brawling 8, Swords 8


Physical: Body Control 5, Carousing 4, Climbing 5,

Swimming 7

Social: Empathy 2, Fast-Talk 2

Nature: Animal Lore 2, Fishing 4, Orienting 5, Ropes 7, Survival 3

Knowledge: Geography 4, Myths & Legends 5, Religions 4

Craft: Clothworking 3, Sailing 7, Woodworking 4

Suggested Advantages: None

Suggested Disadvantages: Negative Trait

(Superstition, Short Temper)

Unsuitable Advantages: None

Unsuitable Disadvantages: Afraid of… (Heights, the Sea)


  • Fisher (185 AP): SA Fisher; Animal Lore 4 instead of 2, Fishing 7 instead of 4
  • Pirate (199 AP): Swords 10 instead of 8; Intimidation 4 instead of 0, Streetwise 4 instead of 0
  • Whaler and Seal Hunter (191 AP): SA Fisher; Animal Lore 7 instead of 2


Publication: Core Rules page 140