AP Value: 160 adventure points
Prerequisites: None
Special Abilities: Languages and Literacy totaling 2 AP; Skill Specialization Gaukelei
Combat Techniques: Brawling 8, Thrown Weapons 8
Physical: Body Control 7, Carousing 3, Climbing 4, Dancing 2, Feat of Strength 2, Gaukelei 7, Pickpocket 3, Riding 2, Stealth 3
Social: Disguise 5, Empathy 4, Fast-Talk 2, Streetwise 2
Nature: Animal Lore 2, Survival 3
Knowledge: Geography 3, Myths & Legends 5, Religions 2
Craft: Artistic Ability 2, Driving 4, Music 3
Suggested Advantages: Aptitude in Physical Skills, Beautiful Voice, Contortionist, Good Looks, Sense of Range
Suggested Disadvantages: Negative Traits (Superstition, Curiosity, Vengeance), Personality Flaw (Vanity, Envy)
Unsuitable Advantages: None
Unsuitable Disadvantages: Afraid of… (Heights), Blind, Frenzy, Incompetence in Physical Skills, Night-Blind.
- Acrobat (173 AP): Skill Specialization Body Control instead of Gaukelei; Body Control 8 instead of 7, Climbing 7 instead of 4
- Animal Tamer (171 AP): Skill Specialization Animal Lore instead of Gaukelei; Animal Lore 7 instead of 2, Empathy 2 instead of 4
- Clown (154 AP): Body Control 3 instead of 7; Disguise 7 instead of 5, Fast-Talk 4 instead of 2
- Fortune Teller (146 AP): Skill Specialization Empathy instead of Gaukelei; Thrown Weapons 6 instead of 8; Body Control 0 instead of 7; Empathy 6 instead of 4; Fast-Talk 4 instead of 2; Astronomy 4 instead of 0
- Knife Thrower (160 AP): Thrown Weapons 12 instead of 8; Disguise 2 instead of 5, Gaukelei 5 instead of 7
Publication: Core Rules 138