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Negative Trait


Rules: When confronting possible triggers, characters must succeed at a Willpower check or else act out their Negative Trait, which controls them as long as they remain in the trigger’s presence. GM-assigned bonuses and penalties for Willpower checks depend on the trigger’s severity. You can choose up to two Negative Traits per character. You can’t take a combination that doesn’t make sense (combining Stinginess with Wastefulness, for example). The GM has the final say.

Prerequisites: None

AP Value: Depends on the Negative Trait


Publication: Core Rules page 173

Examples of Negative Traits

  • Avarice: Avaricious characters are not as careful as they could be when they check treasure chests for traps or try other ways to obtain valuable items. 
  • AP Value: -5 adventure points
  • Curiosity: All adventurers are curious, but some of them are so driven by curiosity that they must sate it by taking unnecessary risks.
  • AP Value: -5 adventure points
  • Kleptomaniac: Some adventurers steal just because of their compulsion to do so, even if the loot is worthless, and never think about the consequences.
  • AP Value: -10 adventure points
  • Gambling Addiction: Gambling addicts are easily lured by risky games of chance and other forms of betting. Gambling addictions often lead to high debts.
  • AP Value: -5 adventure points
  • Gullible: These characters are kindhearted and naïve. They trust the wrong people and can’t imagine that some people are just not very honest. Disappointment won’t make them more careful.
  • AP Value: -10 adventure points
  • Short Temper: The character is quick to anger and prone to frequent but short outbursts that can sometimes turn violent.
  • AP Value: -10 adventure points
  • Stinginess: the character doesn’t like to part with money or other valuables, and might even meddle in other people’s financial affairs or take unnecessary risks to save money.
  • AP Value: -5 adventure points
  • Submissive to Authorities: The character never doubts the word of superiors, even if their commands go against common sense or are plainly not credible.
  • AP Value: -5 adventure points
  • Superstition: The character avoids black cats, unlucky numbers, and other so-called bad omens.
  • AP Value: -5 adventure points
  • Vengeance: Whereas most angry characters unleash their fury quickly and immediately, characters with a taste for vengeance are more circumspect and patient, planning revenge for every slight, no matter how small.
  • AP Value: -5 adventure points
  • Wastefulness: Money never lasts long in these characters’ hands. They throw it away on useless junk and fleeting diversions.
  • AP Value: -5 adventure points


Publication: Core Rules page 174