Language: Tulamidya (Mhanadian-Balashidish)
Script: Tulamidya (2 AP)
Area Knowledge: depending on home region (for example Fasar, Khunchom, Rashdul, Thalusa)
Social Status: Noble, Not Free
Common Professions:
- Mundane Professions: all but Knight and Tribal Warrior
- Magic Professions: Witch (mostly Cat Witches), Mage
- Blessed Professions: Blessed One of Boron, Blessed One of Hesinde, Blessed One of Praios, Blessed One of Peraine, Blessed One of Phex, Blessed One of Rondra
Common Advantages: Luck, Resistant to Heat, Socially Adaptable
Common Disadvantages: Negative Trait (Curiosity, Greed, Superstitious), Personality Flaw (Prejudices— mostly against Novadi, Middenrealmers, Aranians, women, Maraskans, and Vanity), Sensitive to Pain
Uncommon Advantages: Resistant to Cold
Uncommon Disadvantages: Afraid of... (Cramped Spaces, Crowds)
Common Skills: Astronomy, Commerce, Fast-Talk, Gambling, History, Magical Lore, Myths & Legends, Pickpocket, Religions
Uncommon Skills: Driving
Common Names:
- Male: Abu, Cherek, Dshadir, Farsid, Hamar, Ismeth, Jassafer, Kasim, Shafir, Tarek
- Female: Chanya, Demeya, Djamilla, Kerime, Manjula, Nassiban, Palmeya, Sajida, Yeshina, Zulhamin
- Honorifics for Men: al-Ahjan (the combative), al-Ahmad (the avenger), al-Alam (the scholar), al-Ankhra (the lion), Al-Fessor (the cunning)
- Honorifics for Women: al-Jamila (the beautiful), as- Shabra (the shining), as-Shaya (jewel), as-Sarjaban (Aranian cat), bint-al-Laila (daughter of night)
Names are connected to the name of the mother or father, using ibn for men and saba or -sunni for women. Examples: Djamilla saba Kerime, Zulhamin Yeshinasunni or Cherek ibn Hamar.
Cultural Package Mhanadistani (28 AP)
Commerce +2, Fast-Talk +1, Gambling +2, History +1, Magical Lore +1, Myths & Legends +2, Religions +2, Streetwise +1
Publication: Core Rules page 105