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Size: About 8 to 10 feet tall in size

Weight: 800 to 900 pounds

COU 12 SGC 8 INT 11 CHA 11 DEX 9 AGI 11 CON 16 STR 18

LP 60 AE - KP - INI 6+1D6

DO 7 SPI 1 TOU 4 MOV 8

Unarmed: AT 11 PA 6 DP 1D6+4 RE medium

Yeti Club: AT 11 PA 4 DP 2D6+7 RE long


Actions: 1

Advantages/Disadvantages: Dark Vision I, Resistant to Cold, Direction Sense/Susceptible to Heat

Special Ability: Terrain Knowledge (Ice & Snow), Shield-Splitter (Yeti Club), Forceful Blow II (Unarmed, Yeti Club)

Skill: Body-Control 6 (11/11/16), Climbing 5 (12/11/18), Empathy 3 (8/11/11), Feat of Strength 11 (16/18/18), Intimidation 11 (12/11/11), Perception 6 (8/11/11), Self- Control 6 (12/12/16), Stealth 6* (12/11/11), Survival 12 (12/11/16), Swimming 4 (11/16/18), Willpower 7 (12/11/11)

Number: 1, or 2D6 (family), or 4D6+4 (small tribe), or 2D20+20 (large tribe)

Size Category: large

Type: Intelligent Creature, humanoid

Loot: 200 rations of meat (tough), fur (30 silverthalers), weapon, individual findings depending on the yeti

Combat Behavior: Yetis are mainly peaceful, and friendly strangers usually have to fear nothing from them. Yetis that feel threatened or are attacked defend themselves with blows from their clubs. They employ very few tactics and just swing wildly at opponents.

Escape: Loss of 25% LP

Experienced: CON 18 instead of 16; LP 70 instead of 60; Unarmed AT 12 / PA 6; Yeti Club AT 12 / PA 4; Body Control 8 instead of 6, Empathy 5 instead of 3, Feat of Strength 12 instead of 11, Intimidation 12 instead of 11, Perception 8 instead of 6, Self-Control 8 instead of 6, Stealth 8 instead of 6, Willpower 10 instead of 7

Competent: CON 19 instead of 16; LP 75 instead of 60; Unarmed AT 12 / PA 6; Yeti Club AT 13 / PA 5 / DP 2D6+8; Body Control 9 instead of 6, Empathy 7 instead of 3, Feat of Strength 14 instead of 11, Intimidation 13 instead of 11, Perception 11 instead of 6, Self-Control 9 instead of 6, Stealth 11 instead of 6, Willpower 12 instead of 7

Special Rules

*) Yeti Club: Yeti clubs can only be used by creatures with Size Category large or huge.

*) Concealment: yeti fur color allows them to hide in appropriate surroundings (ice, snow). Perception (Notice Ambush, Perceive) checks to find a yeti suffer a penalty of 2.

Aventurian Bestiary, page 87