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Storm Falcon

Size: 2 to 3 feet tall; 4 to 5-foot wingspan

Weight: 2.6 to 3.2 pounds

COU 12 SGC 12 (a) INT 14 CHA 14 DEX 12 AGI 15 CON 10 STR 11

LP 10 AE - KP - INI 16+1D6

DE 10 SPI - TOU –2 MOV 4/16 (ground/air)

Beak and Claws: AT 16 DP 1D6+1 RE short


Actions: 1

Special Abilities: Attack Weak Spot (Beak and Claws), Combat Reflexes II, Flying Attack (Beak and Claws), Improved Dodge II

Skills: Body-Control 12 (15/15/10), Feat of Strength 5 (10/11/11), Flying 14 (12/14/15), Intimidation 4 (12/14/14), Perception 17 (12/14/14), Self-Control 5 (12/12/20), Stealth 8 (11/14/13), Willpower 7 (12/14/14)

Number: 1, or 2 (pair)

Size Category: small

Type: Animal, non-humanoid

Loot: 1 ration of meat, trophy (feathers, 2 silverthalers)

Combat Behavior: Storm falcons sometimes attack human-sized targets that come within 100 yards of their nests. The attacks end when intruders leave this zone. In combat, they swoop down, attack with beak and claws, fly away, and then attack again in two CR.

Escape: Loss of 50% LP

Animal Lore (Wild Animals)

  • QL 1: Storm falcons are excellent hunters, but they are difficult to train.
  • QL 2: Travelers are often attacked by storm falcons in forests and mountains when they unwittingly get too close to an aerie.
  • QL 3+: when you retreat away from a storm falcon aerie, they cease their attacks.

Hunt: –2

Aventurian Bestiary, page 114