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Size: About 5 to 7 feet tall at the shoulder

Weight: 260 to 300 pounds

COU 15 SGC 8 (a) INT 11 CHA 12 DEX 8 AGI 12 CON 10 STR 15

LP 30 AE - KP - INI 14+1D6

DE 6 SPI - TOU 0 MOV 18

Bite: AT 12 DP 1D6+2 RE medium

Kick: AT 10 DP 1D6+4 RE medium


Actions: 1

Special Abilities: Takedown (Kick)

Skills: Body Control 9 (12/11/10), Climbing 3 (15/12/15), Feat of Strength 6 (10/15/15), Intimidation 4 (15/11/12), Perception 8 (8/11/11), Self-Control 7 (15/15/10), Stealth 5 (15/11/12), Swimming—(no check allowed; ostriches cannot swim), Willpower 8 (15/11/12)

Number: 1, or 2 (mated pair), or 2D6+2 (flock)

Size Category: large

Type: Animal, non-humanoid

Loot: 75 rations of meat, 15 to 60 rations of eggs per nest (1 egg per ration), trophy (feathers, 6 silverthalers)

Combat Behavior: Ostriches are brave birds that attack two-legged creatures coming within 60 feet of their nests. They don’t pursue opponents farther than 200 yards. When defending their young, ostriches do not hesitate to attack opponents that are more dangerous or more numerous.

Escape: Loss of 50% LP

Animal Lore (Wild Animals)

  • QL 1: Ostriches cannot fly, but they can run very quickly.
  • QL 2: You can train ostriches, and they even race ostrich carts in Arania.
  • QL 3+: Two-legged creatures can normally approach within 60 feet of an ostrich nest before the birds attack.

Hunt: –1

Aventurian Bestiary, page 108