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Kvill Adder

Size: About 6 to 7 feet long

Weight: 8 to 12 pounds

COU 12 SGC 12 (a) INT 13 CHA 13 DEX 10 AGI 12 CON 10 STR 8

LP 12 AE - KP - INI 12+1D6

DE 3 SPI 1 TOU 0 MOV 3

Bite: AT 12 DP 1D6(+poison)* RE short


Actions: 1

Special Abilities: Feint I (Bite), Attack Weak Spot (Bite)

Skills: Body-Control 8 (12/12/10), Climbing 4 (12/12/8), Feat of Strength 3 (10/8/8), Intimidation 6 (12/13/13), Perception 7 (12/13/13), Self-Control 12 (12/12/10), Stealth 9 (12/13/12), Swimming 15 (12/10/8), Willpower 7 (12/13/13)

Number: 1

Size Category: small

Type: Animal, non-humanoid

Loot: 2 rations of meat, skin (7 silverthalers), poison (75 silverthalers)

Combat Behavior: Kvill adders attack two-legged creatures when they feel threatened. This usually happens when travelers fail to notice the snakes or understand their threat posture.

Escape: Loss of 50% LP

Animal Lore (Wild Animals)

  • QL 1: Kvill adders don’t suffer from the cold as much as other snakes, and can be found in the far north.
  • QL 2: Kvill adder poison causes strong paralysis.
  • QL 3+: Kvill adders are excellent swimmers, but no human has seen one swim. They seem to want to avoid being seen.

Hunt: –2

Special Rules

*) Kvill Adder Venom: Kvill adder poison causes strong paralysis. The effects of several bites are cumulative.

Level: 3

Type: Ingestion and weapon poison, animal venom

Resistance: Toughness

Effect: 2 DP (ignoring PRO), 1 level Paralysis / 1 DP (ignoring PRO), 1 level Paralysis.

Start: immediate

Duration: The levels of Paralysis decrease by 1 level per hour.

Cost: 300 silverthalers

Aventurian Bestiary, page 105