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Size: About 5 to 6 feet tall

Weight: 150 to 190 pounds

COU 13 SGC 11 INT 12 CHA 10 DEX 13 AGI 12 CON 14 STR 13

LP 30 AE - KP - INI 12+1D6

DO 6 SPI 2 TOU 2 MOV 6/9 (ground/water)

Unarmed: AT 11 PA 6 DP 1D6 RE short

Fish Spear: AT 11 PA 6 DP 1D6+4 RE long

PRO/ENC 0/0, or Shark Leather Armor (PRO/ENC 3/1, apply –1 AT, –1 PA, –1 DO, –2 INI, –2 MOV).

Actions: 1

Advantages/Disadvantages: Aquatic Creature

Special Abilities: Forceful Blow I, Underwater Combat

Skills: Body Control 5 (12/12/14), Climbing 3 (13/12/13), Commerce 4 (11/12/10), Empathy 2 (11/12/10), Fast-Talk 2 (13/12/10), Feat of Strength 7 (14/13/13), Intimidation 6 (13/12/10), Perception 7 (11/12/12), Self-Control 7 (13/13/14), Stealth 6 (13/12/12), Swimming 12 (12/14/13), Willpower 6 (13/12/10)

Number: 1, or 2D6 (horde)

Size Category: medium

Type: Intelligent Creature, humanoid

Loot: Weapons, Armor

Combat Behavior: Per the individual; krakonians prefer fighting in the water, where they are superior to most two-legged land creatures.

Escape: individual

Experienced: COU 14 instead of 13, STR 14 instead of 13; LP 33 instead of 30, INI 13 instead of 12; Fishing Spear AT 13 / PA 8; Body Control 7 instead of 5, Empathy 4 instead of 2, Feat of Strength 9 instead of 7, Intimidation 8 instead of 6, Self-Control 8 instead of 7, Stealth 8 instead of 6, Swimming 13 instead of 12, Willpower 7 instead of 6

Competent: COU 15 instead of 13, CON 15 instead of 14, STR 14 instead of 13; LP 38 instead of 30, INI 13 instead of 12; Fishing Spear AT 14 / PA 8; Feint I; Body Control 9 instead of 5, Empathy 6 instead of 2, Feat of Strength 11 instead of 7, Intimidation 9 instead of 6, Self-Control 9 instead of 7, Stealth 9 instead of 6, Swimming 15 instead of 12, Willpower 8 instead of 6

Special Rules

Nerve Node: Krakonians possess a nerve node weak point which can be used to kill them in a single blow. If the nerve node suffers up to 10 DP, the krakonian suffers the state of incapacitated for an equal number of CR. If the damage is greater than 10 DP, the krakonian dies in 1D6 CR (and is incapacitated until then). For more information on targeting this nerve node, see the Level I Focus Rules for Hit Locations, in the Aventurian Compendium.

Aquatic Creature: Krakonians can only go one day without soaking their entire skin with water. If they cannot obtain enough water, they fall unconscious and die within 1D6 minutes.

Aventurian Bestiary, page 61