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Size: 3 to 5 feet; 9 to 10 feet tall at the shoulder

Weight: 110 to 120 pounds

COU 10 SGC 10 (a) INT 12 CHA 12 DEX 12 AGI 15 CON 12 STR 11

LP 20 AE - KP - INI 13+1D6

DE 6 SPI –3 TOU –2 MOV 15

Head Butt: AT 9 DP 1D6 RE short


Actions: 1

Special Abilities: Takedown (Head Butt)

Skills: Body-Control 12 (15/15/12), Feat of Strength 4 (12/11/11), Intimidation 2 (10/12/12), Perception 7 (10/12/12), Self-Control 5 (10/10/12), Stealth 6 (10/12/15), Swimming 3 (15/12/11), Willpower 4 (10/12/12)

Number: 3D6+4 (small herd), or 3D20+100 (large herd)

Size Category: medium

Type: Animal, non-humanoid

Loot: 40 rations of meat, fur (2 silverthalers), trophy (antlers, 1 silverthaler)

Combat Behavior: Karans try to flee but fight if cornered. They escape as soon as possible after taking down an opponent.

Escape: At the first sign of danger

Animal Lore (Wild Animals)

  • QL 1: Karans are herd animals that are very docile, despite their prominent incisors.
  • QL 2: Karans run away at the first sign of danger.
  • QL 3+: Karans can be domesticated to serve as draft or pack animals.

Hunt: 0

Special Rules

Pack Mule: Karans can carry a weight of up to 50 pounds.

Aventurian Bestiary, page 103