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Size: Around 3 feet tall

Weight: 50 to 600 pounds

COU 13 SGC 15 INT 14 CHA 11 DEX 14 AGI 10 CON 10 STR 7

LP 20 AE 35 KP - INI 12+1D6

DO 5 SPI 3 TOU 0 MOV 6

Unarmed: AT 8 PA 4 DP 1D3

RE short

Grolm Halberd: AT 9 PA 4 DP 1D6+2 RE medium

Hand Crossbow: RC 12 RT 3 DP 1D6+3 RA 5/25/40


Actions: 1

Advantages/Disadvantages: Spellcaster / Negative Trait (Greed)

Special Abilities: Alertness

Skills: Body Control 2 (10/10/10), Climbing 2 (10/10/10), Commerce 11 (15/14/11), Empathy 10 (15/14/11), Fast-Talk 11 (13/14/11), Feat of Strength 2 (10/7/7), Intimidation 2 (13/14/11), Perception 5 (15/14/14), Self-Control 8 (13/13/10), Stealth 10 (13/14/10), Swimming 2 (10/10/7), Willpower 10 (13/14/11)

Spells: Bannbaladin 11 (13/14/11), Blinding Flash 8 (13/14/11), Oculus Illusionis 7 (15/14/11), Odem 10 (13/15/14), others with the properties of Influence and Illusion from Tradition (Grolm)

Loot: Depends on the individual (weapons, for example).

Number: 1, or 1D6+2 (group)

Size Category: medium

Type: Intelligent Creature, humanoid

Combat Behavior: Grolms avoid combat and rely on their powers of persuasion and magic.

Escape: Loss of 25% LP

Experienced: INT 15 instead of 14, CHA 12 instead of 11; LP 22 instead of 20; AE 40 instead of 35; Hand Crossbow RC 13; Perception 8 instead of 5, Intimidation 4 instead of 2, Commerce 12 instead of 11, Bannbaladin 12 instead of 11, Oculus Illusionis 9 instead of 7

Competent: INT 16 instead of 14, CHA 13 instead of 11; LP 24 instead of 20; AE 45 instead of 35; Hand Crossbow RC 14; Perception 10 instead of 5, Intimidation 6 instead of 2, Commerce 13 instead of 11, Bannbaladin 13 instead of 11, Oculus Illusionis 10 instead of 7

Aventurian Bestiary, page 55