Fire Djinni
Size: 5 to 9 feet
Weight: 80 to 300 pounds
COU 16 SGC 13 INT 15 CHA 14 DEX 12 AGI 16 CON 14 STR 15
LP 33 AE 50 KP - INI 16+1D6
DE 8 SPI 2 TOU 2 MOV 10
Burning Hand: AT 18 DP 3D6+6 RE medium
PRO/ENC: 2/0
Actions: 2 (at most 2 x Burning Hand)
Special Abilities: Feint II (Burning Hand), Grapple (Burning Hand), Shield-Splitter (Burning Hand), Takedown (Burning Hand)
Skills: Body Control 14 (16/16/14), Climbing 2 (16/16/15), Empathy 4 (13/15/14), Fast-Talk 3 (16/15/14), Feat of Strength 14 (14/15/15), Intimidation 11 (16/15/14), Perception 14 (13/15/15), Self-Control 14 (16/16/14), Stealth 14 (16/15/16), Swimming – (no check allowed, fire djinn cannot swim), Willpower 7 (16/15/14)
Spells: Manifesto 12 (16/13/14), all spells with the property Elemental and a fire effect 12
Number: 1
Size Category: medium
Type: Elemental (fire), non-humanoid
Summoning Difficulty: -3
Loot: none
Combat Behavior: At first, a djinni usually casts spells to keep enemies away. When possible, it withdraws into a fire or other similar environment.
Escape: After losing 50% LP.
Sphere Lore
- QL 1: It is easier to hurt djinn by using magical weapons.
- QL 2: Djinn of fire possess strong elemental magic.
- QL 3+: Djinn are long-lived. Most djinn are ancient by human standards, and they do not discuss their past with others.
Special Rules
Elemental Rules: Fire djinn use the general rules for elementals.
Core Rules, page 359