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Cave Dragon

Size: 15 to 18 feet long (not including tail); 21 to 30 feet (with tail); 10 to 16 feet tall at the shoulder

Weight: 8,000 to 11,100 pounds

COU 18 SGC 14 INT 12 CHA 14 DEX 9 AGI 10 CON 35 STR 32

LP 500 AE 50 KP - INI 14+1D6

DE 5 SPI 5 TOU 12 MOV 9

Bite: AT 13 DP 2D6+5 RE short

Claws: AT 14 DP 2D6+8 RE medium

Tail: AT 12 DP 1D6+6 RE long

Stomp: AT 8 DP 3D6+10 RE short

Trample: AT 10 DP 2D6+2 RE long

Fire Breath*: RC 14 RT 1 DP 2D6+10 RA 5/10/25


Actions: 2 (at most 1 x Bite, 1 x Stomp, 1 x Trample)

Advantages/Disadvantages: Darksight II, Exceptional Sense (Smell) / Negative Trait (Greed), Sensitive to Light

Special Abilities: Feint I (Bite, Claws, Tail), Forceful Blow I-III (Bite, Claws, Tail), Hammer Blow (Bite, Claws, Tail), Powerful Blows (Bite, Claws, Tail), Shield-Splitter (Bite, Claws, Tail), Stomp (Stomp), Tail Sweep (Tail), Trample (Trample)

Skills: Body Control 7 (10/10/35), Climbing 7 (18/10/32), Empathy 8 (14/12/14), Feat of Strength 14 (25/32/32), Intimidation 13 (18/12/14), Magical Lore 12 (14/14/12), Perception 9 (14/12/12), Self-Control 13 (18/18/35), Stealth 5 (18/12/10), Swimming 5 (10/35/32), Willpower 12 (18/12/14)

Spells: Armatrutz 12 (14/12/9), Corpofesso 10 (14/12/35), Gardianum 14 (18/14/14), Gaze into the Mind 13 (18/14/12), Horriphobus 10 (18/12/14), Motoricus 16 (14/9/32), Odem 13 (18/14/12), and other spells with the properties of Clairvoyance, Influence, Object, and Telekinesis from Tradition (Dragon)

Number: 1, or 2 (mating pair)

Size Category: huge

Type: Dragon, non-humanoid

Loot: 2,000 rations meat (inedible), dragon scales (1,000 silverthalers), trophy (teeth, 500 silverthalers; dragon tears, 50 silverthalers; dragon saliva, 25 silverthalers; dragon blood, 150 silverthalers; carbuncle, 3,500 silverthalers), hoard (5D20+50 ducats’ worth of various items)

Combat Behavior: Cave dragons prefer to attack from ambush when they are familiar with the surroundings. Since they cannot fly, it is difficult for them to escape, so they usually attack only when they hold all of the advantages. They first attack with their fire breath, preferably in a narrow cave, and then enter close combat.

Escape: Loss of 75% LP

Magical Lore (Magical Creatures) or Animal Lore


  • QL 1: Cave dragons prefer to consume virgins; gender is not important.
  • QL 2: Cave dragons do not always consume virgins, but virgins are their preferred food. Luckily, cave dragons understand speech and are willing to negotiate if the price is right.
  • QL 3+: They can cast spells but are not masters of magic. Powerful spellcasters can impress them greatly.


Special Rules

*) Fire Breath: Cave dragons can use their fire breath up to ten times per day. Flammable objects can be set ablaze by the breath, catching fire on 1-2 on 1D6. Each breath attack affects at most three targets, which can be no more than nine feet apart.

Immunity to Fire: Cave dragons are immune to heat and flames. They would die if cast into a lake of lava, but an Ignifaxius does no damage.

Susceptible to Ice and Water: Cave dragons take double damage from Ice- and Water-based attacks.

Weak Spot: Cave dragons have less PRO on some parts of their bodies, such as the base of their neck (PRO 2), the neck itself (PRO 3), and the underbelly (PRO 4). For more about targeting these areas, see the Level I Focus Rules for Hit Locations, in the Aventurian Compendium.

Aventurian Bestiary, page 37