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Cat (Barn Cat)

Size: 1 to 2 feet (not including tail), 2 to 3 feet (with tail); about 1 foot high at the shoulder

Weight: 6 to 16 pounds

COU 12 SGC 12 (a) INT 13 CHA 12 DEX 10 AGI 14 CON 6 STR 13 (s)

LP 10 AE - KP - INI 13+1D6

DE 7 SPI 1 TOU –2 MOV 10

Claws: AT 14 DP 1D2 RE short

Bite: AT 12 DP 1D3 RE short


Actions: 1

Advantages/Disadvantages: Darksight I, Exceptional Sense (Hearing) / Negative Trait (Curious)

Special Abilities: none

Skills: Body Control 12 (14/14/6), Climbing 10 (12/14/13), Feat of Strength 2 (6/13/13), Intimidation 2 (12/13/12), Perception 10 (12/13/13), Self-Control 2 (12/12/6), Stealth 10 (12/13/14), Swimming 2 (14/6/13), Willpower 4 (12/13/12)

Number: 1 or 2D6 (pride)

Size Category: tiny

Type: Animal, non-humanoid

Loot: 4 rations (meat), skin (3 halers)

Combat Behavior: Cats usually try to flee. If cornered, they attack until they can escape.

Escape: see Combat Behavior.

Animal Lore (Domesticated Animals)

  • QL 1: Many breeds of cats exist in Aventuria, such as the Aranian, but most cats found on farms and in cities are barn cats.
  • QL 2: Some witches keep cats as pets.
  • QL 3+: Cats are welcome in most cities, as they hunt rats and mice.


Core Rules, page 361